Thursday, December 19, 2013


Yo there

Now after the system has been developed the time has finally come to implement the system,and actually there is main four ways to implement the system.

1-parallel running.
from the world its self we can understand that it means the two system are running, the existing one and the new one.
the main disadvantage of it that there will be two sets of workers and must to pay for both of them & it takes longer time than the other types.
2-Direct changeover.
This means that the old system is gonna get replaced fully by the new one and its the most fastest way to implement the system.The cons of it that there will be no backup for the system and it will be hard to do changes to it or to replace the old system again.
3-Phased implementation
This type is that the new system will be replaced one at a time not fully and this will help the workers to get to the new system step by step and if one of the aspects isn't working,the others wont be affected and it can be replaced normally,but its a very slow way to implement the system.
4-pilot changeover.
this happen only for big companies and industries, and its introducing the new system in one of the company branches, so if its not working in the branch the others wont be effected and if there is any mistake in the system the programmer will learn the mistake so when he implement in the new system it wont happen again

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